M-motivator 自信
O- optimist クヨクヨしない!
T- teacher 教える人
H- healer 癒すことのできる人
E- empathetic 共感してくれる
R- refreshing 心身共に清らか、元気付ける
These are just a few words to describe the strongest and kindest person in the world, MOM!
People all over the world are celebrating Mother’s Day. We dedicate this time to all the loving mother’s who are here with us and to those that have passed on.
What are you doing for your mom? I sent my mom an edible arrangement (a very pretty fruit bouquet).
Everyone celebrates their mom differently. Some take her out to dinner, go on a cruise, go to the movies, go to the park, cook, or simply spending time together.
Remember to always appreciate and tell your mom that you love her dearly! Create new memories and have fun. We love you, Mom! Always and forever.
(いつでも感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、愛していることを伝えてね!新しい思い出を作って楽しんでください。We love you mom! ずっと、いつまでも…)